In a 22-a zi a genocidului , tancurile TERORISTILOR israelieni au bombardat o alta scoala ONU in care se aflau refugiati (femei,batrani si copii) . Tancurile au lansat proiectile cu bombe incendiare pe baza de agent chimic - fosfor alb(incendiile provocate cu astfel de proiectile nu pot fi stinse cu apa).
israhell cauta sa declanseze un razboi la scara mai mare si sfideaza organismele internationale, legile internationale, umanitatea ...
Motivele acestui genocid sunt din ce in ce mai evidente .
Israeli tank shells hit a UN-run school in Gaza, killing at least two people, as war in the Palestinian territory stretched into a 22nd day.
Heavy bombardment of so-called Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip - from artillery on the ground and jets overhead - continued on Saturday despite speculation that Israel will wrap up its military operations later in the day.
The death toll from the now more than three weeks of assault stands at 1,199 Palestinians killed, including more than 400 children according to UN and Palestinian medical sources.
At least 13 Israelis have also died in the same period, including three civilians.
A Palestinian woman and a child were killed in the early hours of Saturday at the school run by the UN relief and works agency (Unrwa) in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza.
Christopher Gunness, a UNRWA spokesman, said several rounds hit the UN school at about 6:45am. After a short pause, the third floor of the school took a direct hit, killing the two and injuring another 14 people. Witnesses said four more people were killed when other shells struck nearby as people tried to escape. About 1,600 civilians had sought refuge from the fighting inside the building, Gunness said. "The Israeli army knew exactly our GPS co-ordinates and they would have known that hundreds of people had taken shelter there," he said. "When you have a direct hit into the third floor of a UN school, there has to be an investigation to see if a war crime has been committed." In Jabaliya refugee camp, a Palestinian doctor from al-Shifa hospital lost his three daughters and one niece during an Israeli air attack. Dr Ezzedine Abu Eish is a familiar voice in Israel, where he has been interviewed by local media. At least 10 people were also killed late on Friday after a tank shell slammed into their home during a funeral wake in Gaza City.(...) """ [Al Jazeera]
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