“Potrivit mai multor martori, in 4 ianuarie, soldatii au evacuat circa 110 palestinieni (dintre care jumatate erau copii) intr-o casa din Zeitoun, ordonandu-le sa ramana inauntru. ”Douzeci si patru de ore mai tarziu, fortele israeliene au bombardat in repetate randuri casa respectiva, ucigand circa 30 “, se arata intr-un comunicat al Biroului ONU de Coordonare a Asistentei Umanitare .
""" The United Nations has said it has received reports that about 30 Palestinians were killed when Israeli forces shelled a house after they had moved about 110 civilians inside it. "According to several testimonies, on 4 January Israeli foot soldiers evacuated approximately 110 Palestinians into a single-residence house in Zeitun, warning them to stay indoors," the UN report said on Friday. "Twenty-four hours later, Israeli forces shelled the home repeatedly, killing approximately 30." The incident took place on Monday in the Zeitun neighbourhood of Gaza City on Monday, the report said. The UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) called it "one of the gravest incidents since the beginning of operations" by Israeli forces in Gaza on December 27. "Those who survived and were able walked two kilometres to Salah Ed Din road before being transported to hospital in civilian vehicles," OCHA said. "Three children, the youngest of whom was five months old, died upon arrival at the hospital." """ [Al JAzeera]
Zilele trecute armata israeliana a bombardat o scoala aflata sub tutela ONU unde erau adapostiti femei si copii, ucigand peste 40 dintre ei. Cand CRIMA a fost facuta publica Israelul a sustinut ideea ca militarii sai au fost atacati din directia scolii de catre militanti HAMAS. La cateva ore dupa aceea, ONU a facut o declaratie publica cum ca un reprezentat ONU se afla acolo si a declarat ca niciun militant HAMAS nu se afla printre refugiati. Israelul si-a schimbat brusc pozitia si a sustinut apoi ca nu se tragea din scoala ci din apropierea scolii... Astazi Israelul, intr-o declaratie oficiala a purtatorilor de cuvant ai armatei, a admis ca a fost o "eroare" militara. O EROARE? Repet: ISRAELUL SI-A PIERDUT DREPTUL LA EXISTENTA CA STAT ! ISRAELUL A FOST INTEMEIAT PE PRECEPTE TERORISTE SI PRIN ACTIUNI TERORISTE. ISRAELUL S-A MENTINUT CA STAT PRIN POLITICA TERORISTA. ISRAELUL ESTE UN STAT (paradoxal) NEO-NAZIST ! Cum se poate sa numesti bombardarea unor copii ... "O EROARE" ? Cata cruzime si cata dementa sa zaca in sufletele lor?!? """ The United Nations said that Israeli military officers have admitted the tank firing on the UNRWA school in Gaza, in which dozens of Palestinians were martyred, was an "error."
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