Am voie sa port ceasul asta?
Că pe el scrie Tactical și mai are și ceva funcții militare ...
E voie? Sau mă incadrez la "intenții de destabilizare" ?
Recunosc, am votat cu Georgescu.
Dacă știam nu mai făceam cumpărături la magazinul ăla rusesc ....
""" אני מאמין באלוהים אחד יוצר *** اوئمن بوحدانية اللة الخالق لكل شيء *** Cred intr-unul Dumnezeu a toate Creatorul . """
Julian #Assange faces a 175 year sentence if extradited for revealing war crimes & human rights abuses including the #CollateralMurder gunning down of civilians, children and 2 @Reuters journalists in #Iraq #FreeAssangeNOW
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) March 12, 2022
— 曹 毅 CAO Yi أبو وسيم (@CaoYi_MFA) March 12, 2022
Păi hai să vedem de ce si cum de s-a intamplat asa ceva ...
Ia priviti clipul de mai jos!
""" Ukrainian sources publish a footage which shows a fire exchange between Ukrainian troops and Russian military (UNKNOWN LOCATION)* -- the footage is filmed by the Ukrainian side and shows Ukrainian troops in what appears to be a children's bedroom in an apartment building. """
Ukrainian sources publish a footage which shows a fire exchange between Ukrainian troops and Russian military (UNKNOWN LOCATION)* -- the footage is filmed by the Ukrainian side and shows Ukrainian troops in what appears to be a children's bedroom in an apartment building.
— ASB News / MILITARY〽️ (@ASBMilitary) March 5, 2022