29 ian. 2020

AVAST si AVG v-au vândut ca pe sclavi .

Nimic nou .
Era de asteptat .
De aceea nu am folosit niciodată decât produsele celor de la ESET sau BITDEFENDER .

""" (...) We've known for a few years that Avast Free Antivirus and AVG AntiVirus Free collect your browsing data and share it with third parties. That's true whether or not you installed Avast and AVG's browser extensions or secure browsers, and we have made that clear in our reviews of the products.

Avast and AVG have recently added a clearer user opt-out to prevent such data collection, although it was always possible to do so from the antivirus software's settings. If this type of data collection troubles you, please check out our roundup of the best free antivirus software. (...) """
[ Avast and AVG collect and sell your browsing history: What you need to know ]

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