27 feb. 2015


      Se face atata caz cu "presupusii" teroristi ISIL / ISIS (eu zic CIA & MOSSAD) care au distrus un muzeu... Ca au distrus nu stiu ce artefacte dintr-un muzeu ... Ca o fi ... Ca o pati ....
Si totusi ... bombardamentele americane si cele ale aliatilor cate astfel de "comori" au distrus pana acum , in ultimii 20 ani ?
Intreb si eu , nu dau cu parul .

In rest... vad ca este plin de comentatori inculti, jurnalisti retarzi , oi manipulate si prostovani creduli. I-a cuprins iubirea de arta si frumos dintr-o data. Vai de noi !

Pai hai sa va arat eu aici niste chestii interesante:


""""‘US illegally obtained and kept thousands of Iraq’s cultural treasures’
One of the gravest casualties of the 10-year US-led war in Iraq is the destruction of the country’s cultural heritage, Iraqi archaeologist and architect Ihsan Fathi told RT.
On top of thousands of looted or illegally obtained cultural artifacts during the war, billions of dollars have also been transferred out of “Iraq’s Central banks to US without any paper trail.” 
“I’m sure that everything that was stored in the Central and other banks was sent to the US without any documentation and now is kept in archives,” Fathi said. “Huge amounts of documents representing historical importance that cannot be assigned a monetary value were taken by the US.”   """"  [mai multe aici - link ]


(sursa foto - GOOGLE )

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