6 iun. 2012

Blogger s-a stricat la mațe ...

... si a introdus cenzura .

De ceva vreme am observat ca atunci cand imi vizualizez blogul , sunt redirectionat catre  numele-blogului.co.at (indiferent ca utilizez Mucizilla sau Goagal) .
Ce pana mea ?!?! Eu nu am emigrat in Austria si nici nu am de gand sa fac asta in viitorul apropiat.
Pentru a rezolva problema , am pierdut cateva ore (vreo 2) .
Pana la urma am gasit un raspuns . De asemnea am gasit si un artificiu pentur a rezolva enervanta problema :

""" (...) Migrating to localized domains will allow us to continue promoting free expression and responsible publishing while providing greater flexibility in complying with valid removal requests pursuant to local law. By utilizing ccTLDs, content removals can be managed on a per country basis, which will limit their impact to the smallest number of readers. Content removed due to a specific country’s law will only be removed from the relevant ccTLD. (...) Most often local government agencies ask Google Blogger to remove content from specific pages. Since freedom of speech is what a company like Google supports therefore instead of deleting those pages, Google will only stop displaying those URLs in that specific country but will continue displaying them for rest of the world.(...) """ [ pentru intreg articolul, CLICK AICI !]

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Comenteaza ! Injura-ma ! Fii parerist ! Perie-ma ! De bine ... De rau ... De inima albastra ...
La mine in casa , tot eu voi avea decizia finala . :)