""" Boys’ urine-soaked eggs listed as local specialty, intangible cultural heritage.
(...) Every early spring, a foul odor fills the air of Dongyang, Zhejiang Province. Dongyang people call it “the smell of spring.”
Yuck, it’s actually the smell of urine. And prepare yourself for this: Dongyang people boil eggs in boy’s urine and sell them at 1.50 yuan (23 cents) apiece. It sells like hot cakes. (...) """ [continuare]
Auzisem eu stirea pe la radio, acum cateva zile, dar n-am avut curaj sa caut sa si vad. Oricat de "as manca tot timpul" sunt eu, asta e prea de tot, mai bine imi fac sandvis cu nisip si pamant (ca le-am gustat de atatea ori, separat), dar asta nu.
RăspundețiȘtergereBleah.Mai bine raman nedelicata.