Secretarul general al ONU, Ban Ki-moon, a cerut o anchetă independentă a acţiunilor militare israeliene ce au distrus şi unităţi ale ONU din Gaza. Israel este acuzat că a folosit fosfor alb, arme chimice, armament experimental si substante necunoscute ... asupra civililor din Gaza .
Nenumarate organizatii pentru apararea drepturilor omului au cerut anchetarea, judecarea si condamnarea israhellului pentru CRIME DE RAZBOI si GENOCID .
Guvernul israelian a promovat un proiect de lege care prevede ca numele comandanţilor armatei israeliene care au participat la operaţiunea din fâşia Gaza nu se divulgă. Ministrul apărării, Ehud Barak,a declarat că guvernul are obligaţia să-i susţină din toate punctele de vedere.
Drept urmare aveti mai jos cateva din numele si fotografiile unor astfel de CRIMINALI - UCIGASI DE COPII - TERORISTI IN HAINE MILITARE :
Ehud Barak
Ehud Olmert
Tzipi Livni
Yuval Diskin, Shin Bet security service chief, the organizer of the war in Gaza. Due to his personal recommendation, the IAF bombed the hospitals and the medical centers of Gaza.
Brigadier General Avihai Mandelblit
Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi
Brig Gen Jonathan Locker, head of Israeli air forces which operated in Gaza.
Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan, a war criminal, Commander of Israeli air forces which lead all the operation of destruction with tons of phosphorus bombs.
Colonel Ron Ashrov, a war criminal, Commander of the Northern Gaza, deputy to the Givati Brigade.
Brigadier-General Eyal Eisenberg - Commander of all the IOF war criminal forces of "Operation Cast Lead" were under his command in Gaza Division. He personally participated in the war. He commanded the operations, in which Armored and Engineering corps units, as well as infantry soldiers were taking part. Eisenberg also commanded a division during the Second Lebanon War.
Colonel Yigal Slovik, commander of 401st Armored Corps Brigade convoy, entered Gaza in a Merkava tank from Netzarim and he did not stop until it reached the coast. He murdered the Palestinian civilians who raised the white flags, and he destroyed many houses over the head of the people. The brigade units also conducted numerous raids targeting public infrastructure.
Sho’alay Marom, Brigadier (res.), razed to the ground hundreds of houses in Rafah, and in Jabalia.
Lt. Col. Yoav Mordechai, he served as a commander of the criminal Golani infantry brigade’s 13th Battalion in Gaza and in the "second Lebanon war". He attacked the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood, where hundreds of Palestinian residents who had fled on foot were murdered under his instructions. In one well-known incident, about more 150 Palestinian civilians were gathered by the IOF in a house, and then the house was bombed and shelled. Lt. Col. Yoav Mordechai is a friend of the PA, and it is known that he coordinated his crimes with the PA.
Lt. Col. Oren Cohen, a war criminal, commander of Battalion 13 in the Golani Brigade, who led on night his troops into eastern of Gaza City, they murdered over hundred Palestinian. He was moderately wounded by the Israeli war criminal friends. Cohen and his soldiers operated during the second Lebanon war.
Lt. Col. Avi Blot, a war criminal, commander of the 101st Battalion in the Paratrooper Brigade.
Lieutenant-Colonel Yehuda Cohen, battalion commander in Givati infantry Brigade’s Rotem Regiment, a war criminal in the second war in Lebanon, and a war criminal in Gaza.
Lieutenant-Colonel Ronen Dagmi, deputy commander of the 401st Armored Brigade which operated in "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza.
Col. Avi Peled, a war criminal, a commander brigade in Battalion 51 who operated in Gaza during "Operation Cast Lead", and he was operated during the second war of Lebanon.
Brig.-Gen. ( res.) Zvika Fogel, a war criminal, a former deputy OC Southern Command in charge of artillery fire for Operation Cast Lead. Zvika and his son Zivi Fogel participated in "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza.
Brigadier-General Yuval Halamish, Chief IOF Intelligence Officer, participated in "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza.
Col. Hertzi Halevy, brigade commander, a former Sayeret Matkal, commander of the Israel Paratroopers’ Brigade in Gaza, committed war crimes in Gaza during "Operation Cast Lead".
Col. Tomer Tsiter, a Givati squad commander from Ra’anana, participated in the massacre in Gaza during "Operation Cast Lead", and previously he participated in the massacre "Operation Defensive Shield" in the Jenin refugee camp in 2002.
Gur Rosenblatt, infantry reserve officer, participated in "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza.
Guy Ohaion, infantry reserve officer, participated in "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza.
Lt. Col. Erez, armored corps, tank commander, participated in "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza.
Maj. Nimrod Aloni, participated in "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza.
Lieutenant Colonel (res.) Shlomo Saban, participated in "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza.
Capt. Ron Vardi, a war criminal, participated in "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza.
Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi, IOF Chief of Staff, whose father was a holocaust survivor from Bulgaria and whose mother was born in Syria. This moral degenerate is the engineer of this new holocaust in Gaza. He committed war crimes in south of Lebanon. Three of his soldiers were captured by the Hizbullah resistance after they illegally crossed into Lebanon as a provocation ordered by him.
Major-General Yoav Galant, southern command chief. He was the chief commander in charge of "Operation Cast Lead". He personally participated in the massacre against civilians in Gaza.
Richard Awizrat, Senior Warrant Officer, participated in "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza, and he also participated in the massacre in Jenin of 2002, during "Operation Defensive Shield".
Major General Amos Yadlin, Military Intelligence chief, participated in "Operation Cast Lead" in Gaza.
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